10 Reasons to Audit Waste Streams at Your Commercial Facility

Audit Waste Stream Featured Image Folene Packaging

Some companies understand the value of a waste audit, and some have yet to discover it. The first type of businesses order regular waste audits, as waste management professionals recommend. The other companies only investigate waste sorting once they encounter problems, through a lack of policy adherence or inflated waste removal expenses. When a company […]

8 Tips For Waste Reduction In The Supply Chain

Waste Reduction Featured Image Folene Packaging

Aside from the colossal expense associated with processing 200 million tons of trash and packaging waste generated by Americans each year (about $50 per ton, or around $2 per person per day), there is growing awareness about irreversible damage being done to the planet. The creation of landfills is destroying up to 1,800,000 acres of […]

Announcing New Product: Ecolene® AP-XPCR Made With Post Consumer Recycled Content!

Post Consumer Recycled Content Featured Image Folene Packaging

Flxtite® proudly presents its latest addition to an expansive range of shrink-wrap options: Ecolene® AP-XPCR, possibly the answer for manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers to issues about packaging quality, waste disposal costs, packaging footprint reduction, and compliance with state and local laws! Ecolene® AP-XPCR is made primarily from recycled material, which presents enormous benefits to everyone […]

20 Zero Waste Living Tips for Producers & Consumers

Zero Waste Living Featured Image Folene Packaging

A major problem with adopting zero waste living is that we are too used to the linear model of use-to-refuse. Producers and consumers jointly contribute to this issue. Producers want to provide consumers with a top-quality product, which may include excess wrapping for a higher perceived value. Often, this encroaches on the producers’ responsibilities to […]

How To Choose A Commercial Waste Disposal Company: 7 Tips

Commercial Waste Disposal Featured Image Folene Packaging

Dealing with commercial waste most efficiently is one of the most significant goals for a manufacturer, after goals relating to profitability. Manufacturers and suppliers are often highly concerned about whether the company’s waste is disposed of while adhering to local, national, and international policies and regulations. Commercial waste disposal is also frequently in the news, […]