What Are Compostable Materials and How Can Businesses Use Them in Packaging? 10 Tips

What are Compostable Materials Featured Image Folene Packaging

Many manufacturers and retailers do not know which packaging materials are fully compostable, which are less compostable, and which will virtually never decompose. There is growing global awareness of what compostable packaging options are available, and we might have said that manufacturers don’t know and they don’t care—but this is no longer true. Experts predict […]

10 Disadvantages of Plastic: A Business Approach To The Problems Of Plastic

Disadvantages of Plastic Featured Image Folene Packaging

Plastic materials appear to be an inextricable part of our business lives. We produce plastic products, wrap them in plastic bags, and sell them to people who will probably use them with other plastic items. Claims that plastic production results in environmental issues and that plastic waste accumulates in islands such as the Great Pacific Garbage […]

4 Advantages of Carbon Neutral Shipping

Carbon Neutral Shipping Featured Image Folene Packaging

Carbon Neutral Shipping: 4 Business Advantages for Suppliers Carbon emissions from shipping contribute to climate change and have a significant impact on the environment. The shipping industry is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions, with carbon dioxide being the primary culprit. We can’t stop shipping, so instead, businesses adopt carbon neutral shipping to […]

What is Decarbonization? Can We Decarbonize Packaging by 2050?

What is Decarbonization Featured Image Folene

Environmentalists and government agencies are anxious about how much CO2 we put into the atmosphere. Second only to China, North America emits 18% of global emissions. Energy production, manufacture, and packaging play a large part in this. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions damage natural habitats, among other negatives. It is time to ask, “What is decarbonization?” […]