SSSS Farms is a packer of broccoli, located about 100 miles West of Phoenix, Arizona…literally in the boondocks. They service such chains, nationwide, as Wal-Mart, Costco, Kroger, Publix, and Dominick’s.
The stalks of broccoli are inserted into 16″CF X 60 Cryovac RD106 shrink film, on one of three Rennco Inc. model 1018 bag makers. The finished, sealed, pouches of broccoli are, then, hand-fed into Eastey Tunnels for shrinking.
The Cryovac film is currently being purchased by SSSS Farms from SSS Packaging in Phoenix. The RD106 grade was recommended by SSS Packaging because it is an anti-fog grade. As a result of the packaged broccoli being stored in supermarkets’ refrigerated sections, it was felt that the RD106 would perform best.
At the same time, CCC Systems, a large Western regional packaging distributor, has a branch in Phoenix, as well, and one of CCC Systems sales representatives has an excellent relationship with the manager of SSSS Farms, selling him various other packaging supplies. CCC System’s salesman solicited SSSS Farms with the possibility of supplying SSSS Farms with their shrink film needs, as well. Because Flxtite’s regional representative actively promotes and sells Flxtite shrink films to CCC Systems, their sales representative called on him for assistance on the project.
Flxtite’s regional representative assessed the situation, and consulted with Edward Weiss. He determined that machinery service was never an issue, since SSSS Farms is mechanically self-reliant. In addition, if service or parts are ever required, CCC Sysems has an extensive packaging equipment service department. There was, therefore, no compelling need for SSSS Farms to continue to purchase shrink film from SSS Packaging. Regarding the replacement of Cryovac RD106, it was felt that Flxtite AP-XF would perform just as well. The reason for this is two-fold. First, the Rennco machines have perforating wheels, for the purpose of package breathability. Any possible condensation escapes through the micro perforations. Also, the AP-XF does not stress crack in, refrigerated applications.
Flxtite’s regional representative, accompanied by the CCC Systems salesman, took a roll of 16″CF X 60 AP-XF into SSSS Farms for trial and evaluation. With the exception of a slight tunnel temperature adjustment, no other changes were required for the film to run successfully. The result was that Flxtite’s packages were comparable, in properties, to the Cryovac packages, but were more cost effective in value. SSS Farms, therefore, gave CCC Systems an initial 2 pallet inaugural order for 16”CF X 60 Flxtite AP-XF shrink film.